I like my food too much.
It started out with trying to save money, hence the preparations of every single meal. hello? i'm too broke even to afford the ready to run supermarket meals.
But it's spiralled into an actual love of experimentation with food (which is not good news for my studies, nor for my tummy, which looks six months pregnant!)
I spend my days decadently. Everytime i'm bored in a class, i'll think of experimenting with a different ingredient for the day...F'instance, i played with avocados, chickpeas, pasley etc all in a day. yesterday was fun, i played with tofu, and various tomato puree.
My meals are extremely varied.
I cant' say the same for my readings because um, when you spend your days dreaming up receipes, doing laundry and boring things like that, (and oh, um, sneaking in social activities), it's a bit had to carve out time to actually read, no?
And so, i'm left hugging my butternut squash (a new find i'm going to play for tomorrow!) at the moment, trying to push myself to get some readings done. this, despite leaving school 6 hours ago to the minute, vowing i'll rush home to get work done! (I got distracted by chickpeas...)