Sunday, 17 February 2008

Meet my old love

I have had a long standing crush on this man for oh, close to a decade now, and here's why.

THIS is exactly why I get mad (shrieks!) and believe in the role of the public intellect, and the importance of academic endeavours. Dammit, there's something rotten in our world, if we can invent pesticides that inflict harm on child half a globe a way (i was watching a tv programme on fairtrade as i was doing my stretching exercises) if we can be so damn arrogant as to include and exclude others based on ideologies and oh, by the way, wipe out their livelihoods (don't believe me? just research a little bit on the wood that adorns your home... its likely to have come from a forest that was once home to pgymies or otherwise).

Defend freedom, defend our beliefs, our lifestyles, our sexual orientations, oh for heavenssake!

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