Friday, 12 October 2007


Autumn has a beauty that is entirely her own. The glorious reds, yellows and greens, all in a blaze of glory...

It was such joy to take a quick run outside. I have been working in my room all afternoon, and was growing increasingly weary of my readings---oh the points were good enough, but I was so weary of the pedantic way it was written...i am still, alas, a literature student, and I cannot read something that isn't lyrically expressed. I wish I could, but how something is expressed mattters so very much to me, for better or worse...

Then running pellmell, as fast as I could, as I was wearing nothing more than thin shorts and my usual runner's attire...i am still washing my own clothes at the moment and not bringing them to the ..oh so far washing machines (i am shockingly and strangely lazy!) into the thick layers of leaves...

Cambridge is very beautiful. There is something about the pretty English countryside, the leave-covered trees, that makes me wish I would be here next September to see summer slide into autumn...

Apart from other small scraps I have found myself in, I am content and happy, if for the short lived euphoria of seeing such beauty!

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