I woke up this morning and could hardly bear to put my butt down on my bike. It was so horribly cold I had to put on my gloves just to hold the bike handles., and wondered if I was just bad at handling the weather.
Then, after church, talking to someone who exclaimed, it was terribly cold today! the weather went down to -4 last night and 4 this morning...
And being from a not so rich college---sigh, I am starting to understand why students take such an obsessive interest in the wealth, or lack thereof, of their colleges, because it affects your accommodation and college fees... maybe that explains why my heating is never quite warm and I find the undergraduate block much warmer than my own, and why I have to wear layers in my roon despite the heating.
ah well, she says philosophically. Autumn will turn into winter which once endured, will turn into spring, the warmth will come again, and then perhaps I'll miss the cold.
Some more pictures, one taken on, blushes, erm, what has been endowed with the name of org**m hill. Go figure. I still haven't figured out its proper name, because thats what all the students call it--it's not me! Reason is that erm, it gets steep really quickly and you go down very quickly on a point so cycling up is extremely slow going as you don't have the time to build up the momentum. Well, the British are risque, did you ever doubt that? Some of the colleges have been rechristianed some even more risque names.
So besides the daily exercise i get from cycling up and down, there's a smoother but longer way, so I rather traverse that tiny excuse of a hill..
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