Monday, 24 December 2007

Christmas in London

It feels properly Christmasy. Everything has become so cold, and I'm listening to the Nine Lessons and Carols by the King's college, Cambridge (wry look... yes, i could have listened to it in person!) , all pretensions of trying to do my work having been vanquished.

There's a hum and buzz about the air, and everything has become deathly quiet, for everyone has either flown away, or gone home to spend the days with their family. Lights twinkling in the windows of every house I see, it's also not surprising how people find their loneliest time during Christmas in Euro-America, simply because it's such an event here.

As for me? I'm going to a friend's place, and on the road to recovery, am either going to somehow, despite the almost none-existent transport system, go to a service tomorrow or stay at home to do my papers or read the books I gleefully bought in preparation for slacking!

I love Christmas! Yes, I do wish I could have spent it with people I care for deeply, but I'm also feeling very lucky at the moment! My first freezing Christmas (notwithstanding writing papers!!!)

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