And so I, the intrepid burglar-catcher, stopped two men in their tracks just as they were about to make off with my landlord's most precious things.
The police gave a fanfare, my landlord couldn't stop weeping as he thought of the potential loss of his precious fish, and all hailed miss P, the brave, the wonderful small person who dared...
Alas this never would be.
Hopping downstairs, I was taken aback to discover that the doorway to the apartment of my landlord (who is probably sunbathing in Thailand) wide open, and two men removing a fishtank. Both ignored me. I was hesitating, but decided to be kaypoh and asked, sorry, who ARE you? and it turned out, of course, that his partner was hidden behind the two men.
E. laughed and said, "Oh dear, then everything is taken away!" before his face crinkled into laughter.
Mine followed suit and I danced off, amused, that this seem so movie-like!
And here are some more pictures of stuff I whipped up for the past two days. You can tell I have been doing a lot of cooking of late, simply because a)i'm ill b)i don't like supermarket reheatable food all the time c)I HATE creamy stuff---which underlies much of British supermarket convenience food ranging from soups to rice stuff, which is all i can afford given my limited budget so cooking's cheaper e) I always have had pretensions towards cooking f) the old-made-in-singapore tv my landlord lent me died within a week and i hope he doesn't barf when he returns, i don't want to move again!--g) because I am slacking and I am sick to death of pretending to do my work. haha! I dont care if my deadlines are actually extended ones in view of teh fact I joined the course late, it's Christmas, I haven't enjoyed myself properly since I set foot on British soil, and i don't wish to moo madly from feeding on bad food. So THERE!
omg... that sounds scary! -bee
no it wasn't! Just so sad i couldn't be the heroine! hee hee
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