Friday, 14 December 2007

Food oh most glorious, most divine.


I am going to learn how to cook it.

we had a christmas party last night, and one of my khazakhstanian coursemates---i was hugely embarrassed that i didn't recongise her ever, but then again, I came late on the course so I have an excuse!---cooked this whooping pot of steaming hot rice.

I wish I took pictures, because it was tres, tres bien, sehr gut, hen hao chi, whatever. yum. Contrast that with my edible stuff, I feel terribly embarrassed that I can't cook better. I can do light european salads and y'know, eggs with mushrooms etc and they taste goodish, but like the elaborate stuff? darn. wish I could.

My course mates so far, are very easy going and a really nice bunch. Lovely to meet them all. I hope i become better friends with them, once I get over my deadlines.

As for now, my lovelies, I'm feeling much chirpier, as I will be moving in for good next monday onwards! I started moving my things to my new place today, and I found a card by my new landlord welcoming me to the new place---he's on holiday---which i think bodes well, he seems very understanding that I'm very, very scared now of landlords!

Well on tuesday morning, i rang him up panicking... On Monday, the university called me to say they found me housing that was cheaper and more central and i had to decide within 24 hours, but it was available only mid Jan. I was panicking badly as I prefer university housing---at least I don't have to deal with landlords!---but kind of decided to speak to him first as I have already paid a month's deposit as well as half a month's rent. I didnt' tell him I had another offer---i just told him I was worried he was going to kick me out for writing essays in my room---note that the whole ruckus with this current one revolves around teh fact that I quietly work in my room!---and he laughed and said that once I move in, I'll calm down as he feels i'm just very scarred by my current experiences.

We'll see first. if all goes well, I'll stay till the end of my course! and maybe find a job. A sign that I have started to calm down from the recent spate of mad and crazy incidents...I am even thinking of extending my stay in the UK, as I feel I haven't seen much of it apart from, tube and train rides, and sourcing for affordable accommodation, and yes, trying to play catch up.
Who knows? waitressing, bar maiding... the possibilities are endless! as long as they pay the bills! :)

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