Saturday, 22 November 2008


Women (and men) need good mentors. 

That's my firm belief.

I realized that i have been lucky in that i have encountered very good female mentors along the way, some have passed me by briefly, others have been and continue to play an important role in my life. 

The women I know are very self-sufficient, goal and career oriented, without sacrificing their family life. 

And so that helps me, even without us talking about this explicitly, helps me situate my life. I sort of "pick up" what i think is important for a child to have, what is the best way of handling relationships, and how to think for the long term.

Are these vital, unspoken skills that are necessary? 

I think so. I guess because I move in a few circles here so far...and some people i do know here, perhaps not well, but their lives are hugely messy..and it sort of shocks me. like why don't they think for the long term? that sort of thing. 

I'm grateful i have had to keep me on the sensible route...not explicitly, but throgh their lives...they give me role models to aspire too.

Someone i met in the course of my research once told me... I think you make an awesome role model for younger women.  my housemate said the same thing to me too.

I don't think so. I have met more amazing women but i do realise..yes that is what i can aspire to. Being an awesome woman who handles life, my life well, such that other young women won't mess around with their own lives...

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