Saturday, 22 November 2008

Uncommon friendships

i have read a fantastic article of late... celebrating friendship.

It definitely strikes a chord in me, because i've been asked several times before if i'm a lesbian or whatever.

for the record, no. i'm not even bisexual, and no it certainly isn't because i'm afraid of social stigmas or whatever to come out of the closet.

BUT, i do think there's something very boxing in about wanting all relationships to be clustered with the underlying expectations of sexual desire.

But why? must all relationships be read through the prisms of sexual desire? can i not, just simply care and love my friends, whatever sexual orientation or gender they are, even if i don't share their sexual orientation. Tis strange.

i can imagine myself in a set up like these two with a friend, and yet, not engaged in a relationship with the close friend i live with. 

but maybe tha'ts just me!

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