Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Uncommon friendships
Thursday, 6 November 2008
variations on a theme
It's like, huh? how come men are so single minded? women can look at men and decide whether they are either friends, or potential partners, men on the other hand, i have come to realize, once they go down the track of being attracted, they either want to push ahead, or then make things so awkward and ugly that friendship is no longer possible. it's weird because if i examine my feelings, i can easily see a few men that i could, in other circumstances, be attracted to, but because they are already attached or whatever, no, and i respect them enough to want to keep this a healthy, clean, platonic friendship. but i would be disgusted with myself or with them if either of us tried to push it to something more, because it devalues the friendship.
men are so strange!
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Music making
Monday, 3 November 2008
women i admire
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Sunday, 12 October 2008
what have i been up to?
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Life goals
Monday, 29 September 2008
more pictures of dover
Saturday, 27 September 2008
beautiful dover
What i see when i go joggin in London
Autumn has come at last... my favourite season.
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Sunday, 6 July 2008
what i don't believe in
All the things that make monogamy a success are, in their nature, un-dramatic things: the silent growth of an instinctive confidence, the common wounds and victories, the accumulation of customs, the rich maturing of old jokes. (p. 191)---Chesterton
i hesitated for some time before putting this up, but i guess i need to spew.as an academic, i'm pretty openminded. but where me, the person, where i am concerned...pulleeeaze. if you aren't interested in monogamy and lifelong marital arrangements and are open to ah, alternative arrangements, puuuleezzze GO AWAY!
i'm virulently old-fashioned, hey, i probably score on the right wing bible belt conservative. so...
i guess it's the shock of looking around, and realizing that open relationships are everywhere! i don't have a problem with my friends engaging in these things, but if you are looking for a friends with benefits and whatever where I am concerned, GOOOOOO away. i'm not available!
in fact, just to prove how damn right winged i have become, go to...
Sunday, 1 June 2008
Howdy everyone! i am sorry for not writing for such a long time :) so here's my mug shot in case you all forget how i look like! preen..
i'm well. i just finished a spate of exams, been lazing about and trying to kick my ass about getting some work done. boo hoo.
at the moment, some updates on my happy little life. i went to the cotswolds yesterday. very, very pretty! slightly marred experience because of an idiot of a german guy who thought he was charmingly witty but was just plain rude and obnoxious. what idiots men can be at times, but luckily, an englishwoman rescued me:) but the fields of goldishly yellow flowers rae pretty, aren't they? we even had to cross a tiny bridge that fell in, so i had to grasp some stinging nettles which left my hand. tingling till now.
heh. so what have i been up to so far? well i have done a road trip! whee! for the first time and what fun! i need to learn driving so i can do road trips next time! apart from that, i have been lazing, going for a few concerts== a well-deserved break i think.
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Spring has arrived..
i'll be putting up pictures soon once i finish my blasted essays--yes, yes i was last minute so i'm churning out about 1000 words a day on average nowadays just to make the deadliens, but i'm so glad to be here :)
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Oldest's best:
after many speculations on my part (A) as to how it must be like childbirth, or whether it is akin to having really bad constipation, B flooded me with links on how hens lay their eggs.
A says: Oh Gawd, shouldn't have gotten you started!
B: Heh heh heh. but you *were* wondering.
All right little hen, I'm going to bed
A says: (9:50:12 PM)
cluck cluck cluck
A says: (9:50:15 PM)
iwas wondering
A says: (9:50:26 PM)
would u do my essay for me??
B (9:50:35 PM)
pawk pawk pawk
A (9:50:56 PM)
but i *am*
A(9:51:00 PM)
wondering in earnest now...
B (9:51:00 PM)
Your chikkens would have laid their eggs in vain
A: (9:51:59 PM)
B(9:53:26 PM)
Work hard
B (9:53:31 PM)
Make your chikkens proud of you
Oldest's best. it's amazing how, despite the many years when I barely meet up with her, that old friendship built on a mutual nocturnal love of night phone calls, music, when we were young and swinging university students, we still manage to fall into such silly conversations.
I hope we grow old together. (Beams) If you are reading this, blackie, this one's for you!
and now i have to go back to my dratted, decidedly none-hen or egg related essay...
Sunday, 6 April 2008
snowing in London
this is what greeted me this morning... yes it snows in April!
crazy isn't it?
it must be global warming, i tell you...it's supposed to be spring, not winter!
the worse hit will be the animals, and my guess would be the poor, fuel costs and all.
still there's something magical about seeing snowflakes...
i didn't see this in December--so its a late christmas for me!
Being thoroughly spoilt
I went home to Singapore for a week: it was a whirlwind of meeting up with family, a few friends, battling my allergies which came back with a vengeance and buying things for London living (i bought braised peanuts...do you have a problem with that?!)
here's me hiding during an unexpected birthday celebration.
how awfully old that feels suddenly, and yet i feel no closer to settling my life.
Time seems to fly by and yet stand still for me--i'm still trying to sort out my life direction whilst my friends are buying apartments, flats, getting married, giving birth.
Yes, i know, at my age, people of my mother's generation were already laden with kids.
Am i worried that I am still almost like a footloose and fancy free barely turned twenty year old?
i guess, sometimes. i don't mean about the getting married bit, i mean the haven't seem to sort out my life direction bit. But then again, i believe that it's much better i take my own route than follow the crowd--in my case---because how much worse if i shortcircuit everything and get myself caught up in what one of my professors term the 'lock-step existence'?
anyway, to those of you who are reading this blog and whom i didnt meet...please don't be offended. i forgot to bring my mobile phone on which i stored all the numbers...
i'll meet up with you the next time i am home!
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Marriage proposals...
L (already endowed with a long-term boyfriend): sorry, you not my type. Food is very important to me too.
gives up, turns to another person...
P: Ay, marry me lah! join teaching, then you can support my ambitions!
A: eh, not my type lah. i'm heterosexual.
P: go for a sex change la. i also heterosexual. but i need someone to fund me!!! go lah!
A: aiyah, no lah. i also want someone to support me...
so depressing. two proposals sent out (admittedly to my girl-friends, so that might not have worked) and twice rejected immediately.
mirror, mirror on the wall...
Sunday, 16 March 2008
I am on the market: i need a husband or a wife!
Calling for all rich wives/husbands wannabes...
i'm eligible! (flutters eyelids)
Criteria (none negotiable. You can be nice, and wonderful, funny and all that, but you have to be all of that IN ADDITION to the following. Please don't apply if you fail any requirements)
1. Rich AND willing to use the money to sponsor my research and studies. If you are rich but not willing to sponsor my work, sorry, apply elsewhere. Next!
And oh, if you are willing to sponsor my work, but aren't rich, no! I don't want to be guilt-tripped, thank you!
2. willing to be left alone for a long time whilst i do research. I will occasionally pay attention to you, i promise. Maybe five minutes whilst i climb out of the labyrinth of books and papers and notes or when i am not away on long periods of fieldwork?
3. willing to put up with badly cooked food, and sometimes microwavable food. It's just food. Get over it.
4. Hold my hand whilst i agonise over my ideas and research. I will have many moments when i doubt my own work, or the worth of what i am doing---even though i fundamentally believe in it. Please listen to me and reassure me. And oh, if you have a critical eye and a keen intellect, all the better---I want someone who can help me sharpen my ideas.
In exchange:
1. I will make sure our living quarters are livable. clothes will be periodically dumped into the washing machine i promise. Dishes will be washed---i haven't fallen down the scale of academic insanity yet. I can promise some level of cleanliness.
2. You will be hugely fascinated with the intellectual stuff i dig out! I am a fascinating conversationalist! Why do you want a porcelain doll? Pshaw! looks pass...presumably, we will grow old together, and hey, by then, you want an intelligent companion to keep Alzheimer's at bay. Looks won't do the trick, and as much as I love research, I assume I will give it up at some point in time, esp. if you fit the bill! (wink!)
3. I promise i won't have affairs outside: i don't have time lah. Hello, when I don't even have the time to think about speed-dating, or whatever, and i have to resort to putting up ads on my blog---that is really pathetic, i know---do you think I have time to fool around? The only mistress I have will be my research. Honest!
I suppose not.
Bangs head on the table..., why, why, why can't i aspire to be rich or get married by 30 or something, which all seem to be goals that are more realistic than my present one anyway?!!
As an aspiring male anthropologist i met said to us all.. we all need rich wives, and upon turning to me.. "yes, even YOU!".
Especially me, i think.
Gloomy look.
should i make it my goal to get married instead? seems more attainable than academia.
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Meet my old love
THIS is exactly why I get mad (shrieks!) and believe in the role of the public intellect, and the importance of academic endeavours. Dammit, there's something rotten in our world, if we can invent pesticides that inflict harm on child half a globe a way (i was watching a tv programme on fairtrade as i was doing my stretching exercises) if we can be so damn arrogant as to include and exclude others based on ideologies and oh, by the way, wipe out their livelihoods (don't believe me? just research a little bit on the wood that adorns your home... its likely to have come from a forest that was once home to pgymies or otherwise).
Defend freedom, defend our beliefs, our lifestyles, our sexual orientations, oh for heavenssake!
Friday, 15 February 2008
I will never be a President
I say this with deep sadness, and, not even revulsion, when i read Bush's reflections on his past legacy. The best he offers is that he believes that America remains on moral highground.
Believes. moral highground. how empty these words are, when we justify anything in the name of torture.
I am not downplaying the complexity of dealing with a world--- i won't say gone mad because really, we as a species are incredibly inventive in devising ways of killing ourselves---where young men believe they need to eradicate others and themselves in a one-second bomb bid for glory.
but can't we acknowledge, that perhaps, we never ever know the consequences of our actions, that we, like our forefathers, always visit our 'sins'/problems (whatever you call it) on our children anyway. I say this not in judgement of parents, who are themselves afflicted with the consequences of the actions of their own parents anyway, but to return to Bush agai, to say, his actions will be justified as long as America doesn't pull out her troops is lame to say the least. When you, uh, invade a country and meddle sufficiently such that people are hurt, dying, and angered, it seems to me you have to continue meddling in a continual contest to prove who is stronger.
Freedom? human rights? what are these words but empty banners when we cease to remember the fundamental human-ness of each and every person, yes, even the mad man who is out to take our lives? We do have reason to fear, yes, but it seems to me that the pity, empathy that is over-ridden and forgotten as we go on the offensive and defensive is what keeps us human, and makes life living, if at all.
Look at Bush's face. This has got to be one of the most incredibly closed faces typical of war mongers. the way his lips and chin are defiantly set against the world, drawing himself hunch over to protect his beliefs.
It's funny to think how i have changed in my responses to him. I use to rage evertime i heard him, my blood pressure goes up because i was so angered by his blinkeredness. I still am, but a deep sadness fills me, because this is the way of the world, only those who are incapable of the following: self-doubt, of being fully human in understand the limits of their understanding and being strong enough to cope with "i don't knows" can be presidents.
Bush isn't alone, though.
There are warmongers amongst us all, Muslims, Christians, everyone, because when we solidify something as a universal truth we need to defend (how strange, indeed, when we think we need to defend the God we claim to revere as God, oh the delicious irony), that's when we indeed perpetuate an existence not worth living. How strange, then, that we can fall into a trance where we actually think it's our bounden duty to defend God.
Five Ways to Kill a Man
There are many cumbersome ways to kill a man.
You can make him carry a plank of wood
to the top of a hill and nail him to it.
To do this properly you require a crowd of people
wearing sandals, a cock that crows, a cloak
to dissect, a sponge, some vinegar and one
man to hammer the nails home.
Or you can take a length of steel,
shaped and chased in a traditional way,
and attempt to pierce the metal cage he wears.
But for this you need white horses,
English trees, men with bows and arrows,
at least two flags, a prince, and a
castle to hold your banquet in.
Dispensing with nobility, you may, if the wind
allows, blow gas at him. But then you need
a mile of mud sliced through with ditches,
not to mention black boots, bomb craters,
more mud, a plague of rats, a dozen songs
and some round hats made of steel.
In an age of aeroplanes, you may fly
miles above your victim and dispose of him by
pressing one small switch. All you then
require is an ocean to separate you, two
systems of government, a nation’s scientists,
several factories, a psychopath and
land that no-one needs for several years.
These are, as I began, cumbersome ways to kill a man.
Simpler, direct, and much more neat is to see
that he is living somewhere in the middle
of the twentieth century, and leave him there.
Edwin Brock
Saturday, 9 February 2008
what do i care when a thunderstorm quivers on your brow,
impending signs of a rocking so incessant it's mesmerising,
and in your screaming i hear whispers uttered not by you.
First they said it was a malevolent spirit which i had omitted to exorcise,
then they said it was my utter devotion to my job.
Yet, i hear the muted accusations behind each invisible finger,
you were the product of a mother neglectful, a refrigerator mother, a mother who forgets her firstborn duties
thus i anxiously re-walk a path worn down in search for a cause, a memory of a negligence that cause you such great harm.
i wrote this in reaction to a book i'm reading at the moment which details the history of autism and diagnosis. it denotes the common blame laid at the feet of mothers who were deemed as less attentive to their children's needs--- thereby causing the aforementioned autism). Refrigerator mothers they were called.
It made me angry as i remember someone i know, who had unsolicited and well-meaning advice and diagnoses hurled at her. oh he must have been possessed, and on and on they would insist on a variety of exorcisms, then it became a charge of moral weakness---you aren't firm enough with him, you give in, you are too weak.
Sontag was accurate in her understanding that illnesses were always interwoven with moral universes, and the same rage she feels towards this intertwining is now what moves me.
Sometimes it's shocking the deep harm we cause to others---i grieve for the mothers who must have wondered just exactly what it is they did wrong, and rage on their behalf at those (inevitably!) white male psychiatrists/psychologists and psychoanalysts who forget that the costs of their armchair theorerizing and five-second judgement (you are doing your child harm; you did not show care) was to inflict years of agony and guilt for others.
And in our well-meaningness, sometimes less certitude, less posturing is welcome, since what we really need is more patience, less homespun and carelessly given advice and simply more compassion.
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Borough market
Chickpeas and pickled tofu
the left is cooked using chickpeas , black beans and butterbeans (sorry i agah agah so can't tell u the quantity), water, sliced onions and garlic which i fried first with cumin, coriander and other herbs and curry powder, then i simmered with water, again, guesswork, then dumped in the beans, with orange juice, my few days ago oven-roasted butternut squash and spinach.
yum. it has an awesome taste, just teh right consistency.
on the right is my chickpea butterbean salad with parsley, which i learnt from a housemate's jamie oliver's receipe book left lying around...
woohoo! i really had enough of chicken for a few months methinks, so i'lll have to find other means of obtaining protein.
and yes if the question is, have i been doing my readings, er no, but food is more important. methinks i am a fulltime housewife and part-time student.. grin
the reference to pickled tofu is the find i discovered at Chinatown (at last!) of chilli pickled tofu soaked in vinegar. yum yum! now i can have my porridge... whopeee!
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
I'm in trouble

I like my food too much.
It started out with trying to save money, hence the preparations of every single meal. hello? i'm too broke even to afford the ready to run supermarket meals.
But it's spiralled into an actual love of experimentation with food (which is not good news for my studies, nor for my tummy, which looks six months pregnant!)
I spend my days decadently. Everytime i'm bored in a class, i'll think of experimenting with a different ingredient for the day...F'instance, i played with avocados, chickpeas, pasley etc all in a day. yesterday was fun, i played with tofu, and various tomato puree.
My meals are extremely varied.
I cant' say the same for my readings because um, when you spend your days dreaming up receipes, doing laundry and boring things like that, (and oh, um, sneaking in social activities), it's a bit had to carve out time to actually read, no?
And so, i'm left hugging my butternut squash (a new find i'm going to play for tomorrow!) at the moment, trying to push myself to get some readings done. this, despite leaving school 6 hours ago to the minute, vowing i'll rush home to get work done! (I got distracted by chickpeas...)
Friday, 25 January 2008
I forgot the milk!
Oh ho! now i know what's wrong with my quiche!
As usual, I like to pretend to myself that my memory is infallible.
Being really bored with the rice with stirfry veggies, rice with ginger stirfried chicken, that have been having, i decided i was going to make quiche.
Having successfully made it before at least 3-4 years ago , I thought i'll do it. The first time i tried on Wednesday, i didn't buy enough eggs to cover the silly spinach and mushrooms--which i admit i put way too much mushrooms---and so i ended up with goodness knows what, (tastes wonderful, but hardly passes as quiche) this erm, mushroom and spinach monster that falls apart.
I bagged that and decided to make some rice to serve that as a kind of veggie dish.
Friday, stoning in class, i decided to have another go... it must be the eggs, i grumbled to myself. Cycling furiously to the supermarket---i had an hour to chop, and er bake before i rush off to choir practice---i bought 10 eggs just for this purpose, more spinach, and decided to omit the mushrooms this time.
Genius that i was, trying to finish chopping and stuff it into the oven (my oven has no self-timer alas!) and get it to cook all before 6.45, i chop so hard i squash hard on my thumb whilst looking anxiously at the clock,. said thumb has been bleeding for the past few hours. no matter. 7.15 came and i had barely left my over-generously doused with eggs thing in the oven for 15-20 mins.
No matter, i decided to switch off the oven in the faith that the heat still circulating around the oven will certainly cook the quiche--i had this vague feeling i was doing something wrong.. 10 eggs? 10 eggs? into a small quiche? that sounds cholesterol inducing to me---and left sucking my still bleeding thumb for choir.
Returning home after choir and dripping blood still, i looked at my quiche, tasted it (it wasn't too bad) but it seems... somewhat flatter than most quiche i see and somewhat less creamy.
Giving in, i researched online discovered....i forgot either the milk or cream what have you.
and most receipes don't go for 10 eggs.
Sunday, 6 January 2008
My landlord is so sweet!
The old TV which he lent me died within 3 days, and I have been wondering how on earth to tell him... whether he might barf and kick me out or something.
Instead, he simply said, oh I'll replace with another old TV for you. I told him, repeatedly no hurry as I wasn't the sort who desperately needs a TV for my survival.
And he went out a few hours later and came back with a second hand TV. Mind you, i gaped at him, and he laughed and said i shouldn't expect this sort of treatment all the time.
Golly! It's not the TV itself---i never was a big TV watcher anyway, but the gesture i appreciate.
He also made reference to the earlier incident and said E, his partner, has called me an excellent policeman for the house, since i bothered to check the identities of the fish-tank removers. Laughs. looks like i have a new nickname now.
Also, I went sightseeing today on my way from church. i also had a wonderful book sale where novels were going for 2-3 pounds...
Ok, so i'm turning into a shopaholic, but well, I have decided I'm going to let go a bit and spend. London is expensive and first i had to cope with the shock of moving from C to London, b'coz i ended having to pay at least 5k more pounds for schoolfees and let's not even get down to accommodation and transport.
Trying to economise frantically will drive me insane, slowly, so i'm now rubbing my hands in glee over my new novels---aiyah, sian, cannot read anymore academic texts already, i haven't finished my assignments as i proudly proclaim in my previous entries but aiyah!---and my new tops and scarf. at worse i'll try to find a part-time job in june but i'm going to let go and enjoy myself for the next few months at least.
Pictures of London as i went awalking...
Thursday, 3 January 2008
Hope springs eternal; tralalala
I felt a grin breaking through from deep within last night...yes, i more or less finished---i don't give a damn about the quality anymore--- two papers, though i still have to tidy and tighten them up and write two more---not that i care, i'm just going to hand in two first and either ask for an extension or something---i had enough of staying indoors! the past few months have been a dreary slog---i didn't save this hard to deal with this crap.
The perils of coming late to a course lah and wasting time on accommodation.
but life promises to offer so much! Rubs hands in glee---I suddenly realise all I have to do is go to school for some days, but also will have time to engage in photography and all my other interests! Gosh, such a short time n London... how do i maximise my time in views of my limited funds?
Tralalala....2008 looks like a promisingly happy year now that the weight of at least 1/2 of my overdue assignments are done..
Like i said, isn't it amazing how we always have this innate capacity for hope that things turn out better?
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
School is a waste of time
Everything I read now makes me feel that i'm wasting my life away. Who cares about the duality between the subject and object? Fwah!
i conclude: i am burnt out, and so, away, i go, to play, soon!
I'm tremendously inspired. Her mum's doing a PhD now, after teaching English for the past few years, and it amazes me.. because we see so few of people doing things out of the pure passion of it!. It's clear thata PhD isn't going to help in a career, let's be realistic, age, the plethora of Phds in English is obvious, A Phd can only be driven by the sheer love of the subject.
This glimpse into another person's passion is helping to stroke and reignite my own, for I remember, seeing her joy in talking about her PhD, my own drive and passion. I came because I wanted to say something, I wanted to say something real and productive about the world, not merely earn a piece of paper or merely to summarise a grand theorist...which is partly why I've been feeling awfully down and frustrated, because it seems as if the approach taken in the uk unis dept I have attended so far is that to test my summary of a theorist, but not quite to use it, as I'm accustomed to back home.
So i'll finish up those horrible papers, and hopefully move onto something happier soon.